Bailey Parnell

Scrolling through our social media feeds feels like a harmless part of our daily lives. But is it actually as harmless as it seems? According to social media expert Bailey Parnell, our growing and unchecked obsession with social media has unintended long-term consequences on our mental health.

Bailey is the CEO of SkillsCamp, a soft skills training company, the Founder of #SafeSocial, a 2x TED speaker, humanitarian, and one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women.  #SafeSocial was built on the success of Bailey’s work and research into social media’s impact on mental health. #SafeSocial is a socially-minded organization that helps people gain the benefits of social media with less risk. They investigate social media’s impact on mental health and create solutions to help people be well before, during, and after social media use.

Watch our Interview with Bailey!